Monday, December 12, 2016

October training diary

Oops, this should have backdated to October.  I am tardy with my training diary.

Oh boy, this past week, where to start.
Jumping over arms, yep, he's doin' it.
Tall (stand on two legs) 'almost' gettin' it on the verbal.
Ditto for Spin (best) and Twist.
This due to me finally learning to stand still, speak 1st, then hand signal, then mark & treat.

Had a really good, right off the start, train/play session in the local parkette, even with swans nearby (which were slightly distracting to him, and really distracting to me--trumpeter swans, so beautiful)

Started 'go out's' to a target (a tiny ball on stick), and realized I was slowing him down with, you guessed it, too much movement. He didn't want to go out because my body language was ultra distracting/interesting. Again, me learning to 'stand still' with arms at sides, in this case, wait for him to touch the ball (still in the shaping stage), mark & treat. He's learning to move away from me independent, not looking for visual cues.

re: jumping over arms, and & 'tall', I over did/over-trained on Friday. He just wasn't all that 'into it' in the afternoon--note to self, don't be such a 'tiger mom'.

On the practical front, had him off-leash for the whole 90 minutes of a forest walk without me going nuts, AND he actually played tug & fetch (with a leather & fur tug-n-treat toy) in the forest. That was like pulling teeth with coaxing, etc... but a start. A good start. Lovely to see him free run for such a long time.

He met my in-laws puppy in their 5 acre unfenced yard. Sonic is acting pure bc in that context, stuck around, zero interest in wandering away, played a bit with puppy, then ignored, or bugged me, mildly friendly with folks to aloof once 'hello's' were done.

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